Education Reimagined

Education Reimagined, an initiative of Convergence, arose out of an 18-month dialogue to re-imagine education among 28 ideologically diverse practitioners and leaders. This group of innovators emerged with “A Transformational Vision for Education in the US” which sets out the fundamental transformation of the current school-centered education system to one that is learner-centered.
With the vision signatories now serving on the Advisory Board, Education Reimagined is committed to making learner-centered education available to every child in the US. This group seeks to accelerate the growth and impact of the Learner-Centered Education Movement in the United States, by:
- Finding and encouraging learner-centered pioneers already at work in communities, school systems, policy arenas, and the education profession—to grow the number of active champions of learner-centered education;
- Bringing diverse movement pioneers together who wouldn’t otherwise engage with one another and creating the conditions for their effective collaboration and innovation; and
- Sharing the possibility of learner-centered education with a broad spectrum of education stakeholder groups—to attract new pioneers and to grow support for pioneering efforts.
We are excited and honored to be part of this pioneering group of dedicated educational professionals working together in this tremendous shift in education throughout the US. This is a great video from them we think everyone who is interested in Learner-Centered Education should see.