Deeper Competency-Based Education

Deeper Competency-Based Education
3-Session Webinar
Videos – Resources – Highlights
Authors Karin Hess, Rose Colby and Daniel Joseph discuss managing shifts when transitioning to personalized and project-based learning through Competency-Based Education.
LiFT Learning invites you to a 3-Session Webinar on Deeper Competency-Based Learning as part of the Excellence in Education Webinar Series.
For thew past three months, authors Karin Hess, Rose Colby and Daniel Joseph dived into a key theme of their book on transitioning to a Competency-Based approach.
- WATCH NOW: Organizational Shifts
Policy, Leadership, Professional Culture, Professional Learning
- WATCH NOW: Teaching and Learning Shifts
Core Instruction, Pacing, Assessment & Feedback, Student-Centered Learning, Student Supports/Equity, Body of Evidence, Classroom Culture and Engagement
- WATCH NOW: Student-Centered Classroom Shifts
Academic Competencies, Personal Success Skills, Performance Assessments, Grading and Reporting
This webinar series will guide school and district leaders through organizational, pedagogical, and learner-centered shifts from a traditional approach to personalized, competency-based education.
Over these sessions participants will explore pathways of change and come away with tools to support.

Rose Colby is a nationally recognized Competency-Based Learning and Assessment Specialist, assisting schools in designing high quality competency, assessment, and grading reform systems in many states. She is a Talent Cloud Fellow for 2Revolutions, an education design firm. She is a member of the national Advisory Board and contributor to CompetencyWorks, the national clearinghouse and resource for innovative practices in competency education. She has served as Competency Education Consultant for the N.H. Department of Education supporting school districts as they develop their competency education systems and in designing and supporting the new state accountability pilot system, the New Hampshire Performance Assessment for Competency Education (NH PACE). She is an Adjunct Professor at Southern New Hampshire University in the Masters/CAGS program in Competency Education. Rose is the author of two books on Competency Education: Competency-Based Education: A New Architecture for K-12 Schooling (Harvard Education Press, 2017) and Off the Clock: Moving Education from Time to Competency (Corwin, 2012.)

Daniel Joseph is the founder of CBE Solutions, an organization that supports districts in the strategic transformational shift from traditional, time-based education to personalized competency-based systems of teaching and learning. His involvement with a state level task force in the State of Maine, “Proficiency Based Diploma- Strategic Task Force” provided support for the systemic change in both practice and policy. In addition, Daniel also was the representative and building based leader for his school district which was part of the (ILN) Innovation Lab Network, CCSSO. Prior to founding CBE Solutions, he supported districts across the country in developing personal mastery systems of learning for Marzano Research and Reinventing School Coalition. Daniel teaches graduate level courses as an adjunct faculty member at Southern New Hampshire University and Saint Joseph’s College of Maine.

Karin Hess, author of the Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrix, is a former classroom teacher and school administrator with over 40 years of deep experience in curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Dr. Hess is recognized internationally as a leader in developing practical approaches for using cognitive rigor, depth of knowledge, and learning progressions as the foundation for curriculum design and assessments at all levels of assessment systems, from developing local assessment systems to state-level grade-level standards and test specifications for large-scale state assessments. Over the years, she has contributed to Maine’s early thinking about how to structure requirements for assessing high school graduation exhibitions and has provided technical assistance to Science Exemplars in the development and annotation of K-8 science performance tasks to the Center for Collaborative Education’s Quality Performance Assessment (QPA) initiative, and to Benchmark Education’s Ready to Advance curriculum for Pre-K, using learning progressions in curriculum and assessment design. Her most recent publications include a chapter in the second edition of Fundamentals of Literacy Instruction and Assessment, Pre-K–6 (Hougen & Smartt, Eds., Paul Brookes Publishing, 2020) and A Local Assessment Toolkit to Promote Deeper Learning: Transforming Research into Practice (Corwin, 2018). Karin’s ongoing CBE work has included guiding the development and implementation of New Hampshire’s K–12 Model Competencies and supporting school districts throughout the United States in creating and analyzing the effective use of performance scales and high-quality performance assessments for competency-based learning.

Joey Lee serves as Chief Learning Officer at LiFT Learning, an education organization driven to empower youth by providing innovative educators with technology and support to create learner-centered systems. In his role, Joey works to support schools and organizations implementing CBE and PBL using LiFT’s learning platform. Prior to LiFT, Joey taught at Pinkerton Academy before taking a leadership role as Director of Education at Education First. He was awarded New Hampshire’s Teacher of the Year in 2014.